Sunday, December 27, 2009

Jenny Lewis

, originally uploaded by slightly confused.

The black and white is just gorgeous.
I've just received a new digital camera for the holidays, though it's not a DSLR, I think it will do.
I cannot wait to go out and shoot with it and collect such inspiring images.
I have a goal to fill up this photo album this year of things that happened senior year. This photo will be in the first slot.

Noble Beast

To the Heartthrob Whistler

I only possess uncontained love for the man
in the stripey socks crooning
into the microphone.

If only I were Swedish
then I'd have a folk tune
and a wedding march to my name.

The music pours from the honeyed tone violin
propped up on your thin frame.

From Measuring Cups through
Fitz and Dizzyspells
the whistling carries and quells.

Friday, July 31, 2009

another reality

Really. All I want to do is live in someone else's world. Harry Potter would do nicely or Gilmore Girls. Ugly Betty is a little dangerous. 30 Rock would be freaking amazing.

I'd be scared for my life in Pushing Daisies those kids are always getting involved in some kind of murder. I think Friends would get tedious and that's the same for Seinfeld.

Yes, I think that Harry Potter would do quite well. Can I please not be a muggle anymore?

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Yeah I'm Good!

Let's turn around this somewhat depressing blog a little bit.

I was at work (as usual, and for those who don't know where I am working, it's at the DoT - the nation's hub of bureaucracy) and I was bored. This is not unusual, I sit at my desk for about 8 or so hours a day in front of my computer and after a while you read the same news on the NY Times as you do on the Washington Post website. After a little while online shopping gets boring and the DoT frowns upon games and videos of any sort so sporcle is out of the question. Going to these sites prompts a message to appear with loads of smiling employees and in big black font prohibited site due to games or maturity or something. Anyhoo...

I was watching Ted (an online forum of all these live conferences and presentations by all these geniuses) and happened to stumble on one with Malcolm Gladwell hosting. I must admit that I haven't really gotten a chance to read one of his books yet, but I mean to! He was talking about his friend who was a psychotherapist/analyst something or other and how he was asked by pepsi to make the perfect pepsi. Only there is no pefect pepsi, but perfect pepsis. This man is genius. It was incredibly inspirational because this friend of Malcolm's was responsible for Prego and Ragu's variety of spaghetti sauces (the chunky kind) and for the many different kinds of mustard especially Grey's pon pon (Is that how it's spelled?)

This was such a breakthrough! Also it alleviated my general sleepiness. Often while I am at work I will snack so that I don't fall asleep, watching TED videos is much more productive and less fattening.

On a side note which has nothing to do with sauces and mustard, I am kind of freaking out about college. It's so damn competitive and there's so much pressure on putting out good test scores, gpas, always performing at such a high level with no mess ups. It really gets to you. I've 11 colleges and that's kind of a lot, but I can't take any off. I really can't. It's a lot of colleges to worry about and tend to and I took off Carleton only to put on William & Mary. It's not supposed to work that way, but it is. I need some consultation. If only Ms. Wilson wasn't forever out of the buiding. Okay I have got to get back to work. I've only read 5 pages of the report to Congress today.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

the 4th of July

The number 4 in Chinese means death, or to die, it 's an unfortunate number. In the U.S. or I suppose western culture 13 is pretty awful.

Every year I look towards the 4th of July as just another lazy day in summer, sometimes spending it with family and other years with friends. This year it's a combination of the both and after reading some books which have mentioned America as a nation for the free and independent, I can't help but be a little bitter.

With the economy so down in the dumps and the current Administration looked upon to do something magnanimous about it, I feel hopeful and so far disappointed. I realize that to look up to Obama to fix everything is unfair to him, but he's a representative of what the American struggle. He's succeeded. It's something that I mean to do once I get through all education and work experience stuff.

I know that people say that happiness doesn't come from money but from acceptance from family, but money is a really important part of that. Money is what affects your family's moods and how they view life. Those who are affluent need not worry about money and how your family is going to afford to pay the rent or put food on the table. These are the people who have to find happiness in the aforementioned way.

Finances are what drive this country. It's true. After working in the federal government for only two weeks I have already heard millions of dollars being tossed around for projects. Or even billions of dollars. I wonder where the government finds all this money. The people who carry out these projects must be paid and their employees have to be paid. I wish that our capitalist system was less about profit and more about making sure that everyone was comfortable, and still generating a profit.

How can we let people live on the streets when we are throwing extra food into the trash and buying useless electronics that we don't really need? Why are we worrying about the inconsequential things when there are those who are struggling every day to project the appearance of being well situated so that they don't lose the respect of their peers and co workers? Why does the press focus so much on celebrities who are obviously so well off? Should there not be more news about the homeowners who are going bankrupt and the failure of American schools to teach values to the students? Are the plights of the average joe less newsworthy? How could it be when we all at times feel the same pain and struggles.

Why are people more likely to sacrifice for stars than the cusp of retirement couple who can't make ends meet?

So let's celebrate the independence we won from the British on this momentous day. We deserve it, we strove hard and long. It's a day of remembrance and a reprieve from the hardships of daily life, but not a holiday from reality.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

You have 4 minutes to choose the best possible response..

Dear World,

Why are AP exams so close? Why do I have one on Tuesday? Why is that one the Spanish one?

Why is May so busy? Why haven't I gotten my self together? Why is lacrosse season almost over?

Okay, instead of asking more questions, I would rather post about things. Entonces.

This Monday is the Blair-Northwood game which I am very excited about! I hope we perform at our highest level.

Tuesday: AP Examination #1

Wednesday: English Research Paper GO!

Thursday: Kiera's Birthday, Media Paper and Presentation GO!

Friday: Lacrosse Banquet?

Saturday: AP World Review/Viola/Garden Party?

Sunday: CAPPIES voting -blah

Then it shall be my birthday! Hooray. Note so self.. schedule driver's test.

Anyhow the future!

-Peter, Bjorn, and John Concert tonight. I am excited. They are from Sweden as so many good things are (namely Sara G.).

more to come later!

Sunday, April 19, 2009

The Hazards of Love

New Favorite Album: The Hazards of Love.. and also self-named Telekinesis!

So I have given up practically on ever writing well enough to get a 8 on any of my English essays, really it will never happen. My ideas are not original or well thought out enough for the AP rubric, at least for English. I can write fantastically for World, but really that is all about memorizing information and writing it eloquently, and delivering your point. In English, you have to make it "sexy" as Plotinsky would put it. It is freaking hard. Even when I had my pretty interesting point (at least I thought) of Americans watching medical shows to fulfill their messiah complex, I think I got a yawn from the class. Bother.

Also, I don't happen to excel excel in any particular area. I am what you would call a well rounded student.

Also, another thing. I hate when people speak for everyone else, especially when they are fixing a label on the entire group. Like privileged. I hate that word. When people speak of CAP they are always calling us a group of privileged, upper middle class, suburban (and often white), unappreciative, take for granted, kids.

First of all, upper middle class. jeez Please speak for your own socioeconomic class and don't lump everyone together because I would not consider my self that particular label. Yes, I suppose I live in the suburbs. NO. I am not white. I happen to appreciate my opportunities and I don't take those for granted unlike some of my peers. One person I know said that he doesn't know what the whole hub hub about the economy was because he was not affected about it and he doesn't understand why all his friends are so freaked out. That is someone who I would call "privileged" someone who doesn't need to worry about finances in a time of economic crisis.

I am a kid, but I am not so young that I don't know what I am talking about. I happen to know a lot about the economics of this country at least from my own position. And so people in my Research class who speak for the whole class, describing us as disconnected from the rest of society because we are protected in our bubbles. WHOA. Speak for yourself, and yourself only.

Hm. I just read everything that I just wrote and I sound a bit too self-righteous and perhaps a bit pretentious. But in actuality, I do believe in what I wrote and I think it's logical for people to get pissed when other people speak for them and label them something when they are not.

APs. lamesauce, they are terrible and I have 3. And some people are taking more. Why are they doing that? Why would they do that?

30 Rock is the best television show ever since Gilmore Girls, Ugly Betty, Pushing Daisies.. okay actually it is up there with all of those shows.

God. Will I ever get a 8?