Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Compassion over Killing

So today I started my first volunteering stint as a worker for COK otherwise known as Compassion over Killing. 

First question the girl also working there asked me "Are you vegan?" Now, naturally in the split nanosecond before I gave my answer I felt some guilt. Here I was, some girl who decided to volunteer to get service hours for school and to fill up some spare time, being asked to well in some way validate why she was there.  Of course I answered no. But I also added that I had some ambitions to become vegetarian, and what I really mean is pescatarian. 

Anyhow, we were folding these shirts up which feature a dog on a plate with utensils on either side,  and the dog is oh so sad looking. The text on the shirt asks you "Why Not?" 

1. I was remorseful/guilty
2. It was a cool shirt
3. It was super cool because it was American Apparel and the Sustainable Edition
4. Did I mention I felt guilty? 

I had a feeling that at the end of this two month or so volunteering duty, my diet would change somehow. 

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