Thursday, January 29, 2009

Botas, muy mavarillosas

Porque yo necesito mejorar mi español estoy escribiendo este "post" en español. Pero, si yo no conozco el frase or la palabra que yo quiero usar, voy a escribir esto en ingles. Por eso, yo quiero compartir alguna información sobre botas, "Botas impermeables construidas en base a la reutilización de bolsas de plástico." -- Botas Dacca

Botas Dacca es un otro "blog" de Camila Labra, una estudiante de "fashion" que vive in Chile.

Ella ofrece sus botas en muchas colores y diseñas como azul, rojo, amarillo y otros. Las botas son "impermeable, flexible, liviano y no toxico." -- B.D

"En su interior, las botas están forradas con tela de pique acolchado, lo que evita la transpiración del pie y las hacen más confortables.
En cuanto a sus colores, estos pueden ser muy variados debido a la diversidad de bolsas existentes en el mercado.

Su precio es $22.000 (pesos chilenos)
US 45.00" -- B.D

Si tu quieres ver su "website" puedes usar este "link"

Cada fashionista querería las botas, pero ella no tiene mucha publicidad en los Estados Unidos. Treehugger ha escrito un artículo sobre ella y su compañia pequenita. Puedes ver esto artículo aquí! Es muy bella que personas como Labra tenga la habilidad de crear cosas bonitos de objetos que nosotros los tiremos.

Monday, January 12, 2009


Lyrics from the song Pangea by Someone Still Loves You Boris Yeltsin

sorta describes my perspective on life right now;

It's always something
it's always something
you told a lie, just aside of feelin nothin'
you spend your sundays, avoiding trouble
while underground there's a whirlpool hummin'

don't say i never, you know it's nothin
i've seen your hands man they couldn't be whiter
so send a wire, write a letter,
let me know if your there and if your hearts still thumpin

pangea we used to be together, why'd we have to drift apart
pangea we used to be together, why'd we have to drift apart

get up, and get out

don't say i never, you know it's nothin
i've seen your hands man they couldn't be whiter
send a wire, write a letter,
let me know if your there and if your hearts still thumpin

pangea we used to be together, why'd we have to drift apart
pangea we used to be together, why'd we have to drift apart

oh oh, and it sounds much better, when sound comes together
if you get this letter, keep it in a box
with all my sox you lost and you found
you used to be around,
tell me why'd we have to drift apart

Monday, January 5, 2009

So, New York

So, I visited New York for the first time in ages.  The changes that I saw are phenomenal. This may be because the last time I was there was shortly after 9/11 and so everyone and everything was dressed in a grey somberish color. 

I had the elitist tourist siting of New York, with a Broadway play (Spring Awakening), staying in a nice hotel next to the theatre, eating out at nice restaurants and places, having dessert after every meal, just a bit extravagant.  

While walking around and seeing some of the homeless, it just made me realize how far away from their world I am, and  yet so close.  Sure, I have a roof over my head, clothes on my back and food on my plate, though I am lacking in hot water (our water heater has been out for two weeks). But the point is, though my family doesn't have a lot of money, and I am always broke, I have more than those people, and the fact that I could afford to go on a trip to NY with my friend and her family, is just amazing. 

I mean, I don't regret going at all. I did the most interesting things and met Mark Indelicato (which was the high point in the trip, and in my life). But it made me a little bit guilty of what I was doing during the holidays, and when so many people had lost their houses to foreclosures.  

It just made me remember and be thankful for all the good stuff that I have been born into.