Tuesday, February 17, 2009

A Post Show Discussion

So I've realized some things, I'll number them in the hopes that I will have more than 3 realizations.

1. Post show Discussions can either be amazing or not so amazing

ex. : Post show for Eurydice (I would recommend it to everyone, Emma's dad is amazing and so is Adriano Gatto who is Orpheus).

I think that they become more interesting, as Mitchell would put it "INT-er-esting" (that's one of the people he plays) when you know the people on stage, or at the very least want to be best friends with all of them.

ex. #2 : I asked a question to the cast, "Why Shakespeare rather than... let's say... Oscar Wilde?" There was a huge tomb? of Shakespeare sent to Eurydice by Orpheus when she died. I got some interesting responses, I liked the facial expressions and especially because Orpheus gave me a get out of town gesture! It was a connection that we had! Rather exciting I should think.

2. Post Shows can suck a lot when you don't want to be there. Especially if it's at night when you are tired and want to go home and sleep.

ex. No examples, I am sure all of you can think of one. Human nature happens to work that way.

3. Research discussions are the most depressing way to end a day.

ex. Talking about college

ex. #2 : Talking about your most painful memory

ex. #3 : If you had a pill that you could take that could erase that memory, would you take it?

Now because I was not able to express my opinion in class, usually it's dominated, or let's say monopolized by a few people each class, I think it should be treated like abortion.

Everyone has rights to their own body, those are unalienable rights. period for extra emphasis.

If you don't want to have an abortion, than don't get one! Don't stop anyone else from doing it because it's their own choice! The same argument applies here, if that person has a memory so excruciating that it haunts them every waking moment, and every sleeping moment, they have the right to suppress that memory through medication. If they want to get rid of it all together, more power to them.

Really it depends on the person, their situation, and what their beliefs are. You can't make a decision based on a broad spectrum, you have to be specific to that person. I do advocate a prescription so that a medical professional can give their advice.

I have had some pretty traumatic experiences myself, one particular memory that is so painful that I really can't bring myself to think about at all. This memory has proven some doubts that I have, strengthened my relationships with others, and has really helped me grow as person. I am pretty well adjusted I would say given my situation, and so I personally would not choose to forget this memory. On the other hand, if someone else, such as my sister let's say, had the same experience, and she was suffering from it and she was severely depressed, and was traumatized, yeah, she should consider taking that pill. Suffering is not worth it, pain can kill you. Maybe not physically, but emotionally you could become stunted.

Now this is my own particular opinion. I guess I should ask what's yours?

1 comment:

  1. I have the same opinion as you. my awful experiences are still experiences and I still think about them and reconsider them as I grow and change. I keep reaping fruit from fields full of salt.
