Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Yale and really what about it?

So today, in my most awesome Junior CAP Portfolio Seminar class, whose? aim is to create the coveted CAP portfolio, Shindel told us to create a document which contains 5 colleges of our choice. Except Duke, mainly because of its basketball.

I started thinking, then decided thinking would be productive if I could just jot things down onto Word, which in reality is much easier.

So my "list" if it could really be called that is a hodgepodge of colleges that I've been setting my eyes on, and might possibly if I try really hard and become Meryl Streep, might get accepted into. Let's run it down:

1) Oberlin College
I believe that this is the Admissions Building - I visited this place in Nov. 08

2) Amherst College

3) Connecticut College

4) Northwestern U.

5) Yale College

The fictional Rory Gilmore and Paris Geller lived in Branford College

I had another one.
6) University of Chicago

The author of Freakonomics teaches here!

Basically, what I am trying to get at is.

This whole college process is very stressful. Students work their whole lives towards getting into a college, whether it is Ivy-covered, has hallowed halls, or just has a decent dining hall. I recognize it is productive to be, well productive, also, this exercise pretty much just freaked me out.

I have every confidence that I'll get into college, one of these if I am lucky. But, I should enjoy the precious amount of time that I have left before it's off into the big world, where I can't really just take everything in school for granted.

So if Yale decides to take me, or if Yale does not. Then who cares, (not I?) No, actually that is a lie, I care a lot. Yale is great, in case the admissions officer for Yale cared to read my blog. Yale is great! Rory and Paris, went there!

If you kids out there have no idea who I am referencing, then it is time to take some time out of your schedule to watch Gilmore Girls. Most of my references come from that show.

1 comment:

  1. I think the building in the Oberlin photograph is Talcott, the dorm I lived in this summer. I think.
